ProjectWise Explorer Help

Connecting Clients and Servers (Overview)

When ProjectWise Explorer is installed on the same subnet as ProjectWise Integration Server (or on the same subnet as a ProjectWise Gateway Service that has been set up to publish the ProjectWise Integration Server's datasource lists), users are able to see that server's datasources automatically when they open ProjectWise Explorer. The same is true for ProjectWise Administrator clients.

This is because by default, each installation of ProjectWise Explorer and ProjectWise Administrator broadcasts a request to the network for a list of datasources; any ProjectWise Integration Server or ProjectWise Gateway Service on the same subnet that receives the broadcast will respond by sending that client a list of its datasources. These broadcast requests and their responses are carried out using UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP is a connectionless protocol that, like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), runs on top of IP networks.

When ProjectWise Explorer or ProjectWise Administrator is not on the same subnet as the ProjectWise Integration Server, some configuration is required to connect them. ProjectWise provides two options for this:

  • Use the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog on computers on which ProjectWise Explorer or ProjectWise Administrator is installed. This dialog, which can be opened from ProjectWise Explorer or from the Control Panel, is used to establish a TCP connection from a client computer to the server computer.


  • Install ProjectWise Gateway Service on a computer that your clients can access. Once installed, configure the ProjectWise Gateway Service so that it retrieves the datasource list from one or more ProjectWise Integration Servers. Clients on the same subnet as the ProjectWise Gateway Service, or those connected to it through the ProjectWise Network Configuration Settings dialog, are then able to see the selected ProjectWise Integration Servers' datasources.